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Dove Marketing

About Dove Marketing

Dove Marketing is here to bring you the products and services that you want and need. We also offer you the information you need to make your life easier and better.

Dove Marketing Owners

Cindy Lynch

Cindy has a background in Sales, food service, child care and promotion. Contact Cindy for more information on how she can help you.

Jim Lynch

Educated in broadcasting, he has worked in that field, insurance, food service, and in sales. Contact Jim to see what he, and Dove Marketing, can do for you.


Marketing and Promotion

More Information

For more information about who we are and the benefits of our products and services, or for questions, go to our Contact page.

Ordering Information

To order products see the individual pages, or for an information packet, send an e-mail request to sales@dovemarketing.freeservers.com

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Dove Marketing by Jim & Cindy Lynch
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